Deep Foundation Fabrication and Structural Rolling

Deeper foundations are the base of a building and go at least 3 meters below the entire ground surface. The builders, while creating deep foundation fabrication, must make sure that soil condition isn't weak enough as it carries building loads below the ground level, limiting the surface conditions from affecting their base bearing capacity.

Some standard deep foundations include:

  • Pile foundations
  • Shaft Foundations
  • Hollow Box Foundations 
  • Caissons
  • Cylinders
  • Basement Foundations


Read on further as we discuss each Deep Foundation:

Pile Foundations

In Pile foundations, companies follow drilling and even run tubes filled with concrete to the required depth. 

And, they follow pile foundations when the soil or economic conditions aren't that comfortable enough to bear weights of structures to levels that are beyond the reach of shallow foundations. The piles also help maintain the upliftment, overturning, and parallel forces. Waterfront bases, bridges, huge buildings, all rely on Pile Foundation.

Shaft Foundations

For Shaft foundations, the engineer drills a cylindrical hole ( size & length may vary) within a deep excavation and place prefabricated load-bearing unit in it, such as concrete. One needs low overhead conditions to create Shafts Foundation and avoid under certain circumstances such as soils with boulders, soft ground, loose sand, and sand under-water.

Hollow Box Foundations

These are also known as Buoyancy rafts, designed to create a semi-buoyant or weightless substructure. It helps in decreasing the load on the soil as per the needed low intensity. Again, you can find these in open excavations.


Caissons are hollow substructures with huge load-carrying capacity that drop till the coveted level as a single unit. It is typically placed near or on the ground surface. 


Cylinders have a single cell and are known as small caissons.

Basement Foundations

Open Evacuations have hollow substructures. These provide storage space below the ground level.


While many steel companies are offering Deep Foundation options, but since the task requires an extremely qualified and knowledgeable workforce, one must search every detail of the company to get on board with them. We can recommend Browning Enterprises Inc. to get deep foundation fabrication services. Even for structural rolling, they are using high capacity Davi machine that easily can rolls beam, angles, square and rectangular tubing, channel, and heavy bars.

Look for companies providing adequate & effective solutions with economic benefits.

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