Tips for Choosing the Right Fuel Cutting Services

Oxy-fuel cutting systems are created to provide precise, efficient cuts for many industries, including the automotive, metal fabrication, and aerospace sectors, and others. These industries need accurate parts to provide the safety of consumers; that means your tool must deliver quality cuts, every time.

So what is Oxy-Fuel Cutting? The oxy-fuel cutting services use oxygen and fuel gas — such as acetylene, propane, MAPP, propylene or natural gas — to cut through materials. A combination of oxygen and fuel gas makes the metal hot to its ignition temperature beforehand. Once it touches this point, a jet of pure oxygen provides an exothermic chemical reaction connecting the oxygen and the metal to form slag. The oxygen jet pushes the slag away, enabling the jet to puncture through the metal and provide a quality cut.

Tips for Choosing the Right Fuel-Cutting Services: -

·          Using the Correct Oxy-Fuel Cutting Tool: The quality of your torch and your choice of fuel gas can impact the quality of your end parts. The torch must be in great condition to ensure both the safety of the person using it and the quality of your cuts.

·          Perfect Your Cutting Techniques: The angle and speed of your torch, and the distance from the material, all play a vital role in the quality of the cut. The torch should also move at a particular speed, which depends on the material type and its thickness.

·          Ensure Accurate Cutting Parameters: Different materials need different cutting parameters, such as torch nozzle, cutting speed, and gas flow rate. Softer materials like aluminum need a slower cutting speed and a “cooler” gas mix, while harder materials like steel need a faster cutting speed and a “hotter” gas mix.

·          The Right Preheat Settings are crucial for a Quality Cut: If we preheat the material it can help improve the cut quality and reduce the risk of warping. Every material requires a unique preheat time, which also varies depending on the material's thickness.

·          Use Correct Post-Cut Practices: After completing the cut, one should make sure the material is properly cooled and should also help in removing any slag or other debris with the help of a slag hammer or chipping tool. This will provide you with the best surface finish and the longest lifespan of the parts.

Browning Enterprise, provides top-quality and high dimensional integrity oxy-fuel cutting services. Their team of skilled people provides excellent customer service. Check out their website,  or call at 256-538-0517.

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