The oxyfuel-cutting mechanism helps quickly cut material with low
costs and the capacity to cut thick materials. It is an excellent explanation
for industrial, construction, and repair processes. Let's discuss the
fundamental cutting process and various processes used in oxyfuel cutting.
During the oxyfuel-cutting process, a combination of the fuel gas and oxygen
focuses on the components, allowing the metal to preheat below its melting
temperature. A jet having pure oxygen is then aimed at the preheated region of
the metal, building an exothermic reaction between the metal and oxygen to
generate lava or an oxide of the metal. The oxygen put into the metal also
moves away the lava, permitting the jet to pass through it as it cuts
Some basic requirements of the oxyfuel-cutting process:-
The preheating temperature of the material should be slightly
reduced than its melting temperature. Preheating over the melting temperature
would assist the material to flow freely before cutting.
To pass the oxygen jet to throw it away, the lava's melting point
must be slightly lower than the rest of the material.
Gaseous products should be low in quantity to avoid diluting the
cutting oxygen jet.
The reaction between the oxygen jet and the material (oxidation)
should be of some standard to maintain the preheating temperature.
Oxyfuel Cutting Equipment are:-
• The Cutting Torch
• The Cutting Nozzles
Fuel Gases Used in Oxyfuel Cutting are:-
• Acetylene
• Propane
• Propylene
• Natural Gas
Oxyfuel Cutting Techniques
• Cutting thick materials
• Cutting galvanized or painted materials
• Stack-cutting
Browning Enterprise, a famous oxyfuel-cutting company, works on an automated oxyfuel-cutting machine that helps provide high dimensional integrity and top-notch metal profiling products. Their team of professionals is very well-experienced and provides wonderful customer service. They also offer different solutions in metal-cutting to their customers to educate them beforehand about their decisions regarding their work. Check out their website,, to learn more about their oxyfuel-cutting services.