Galvanizing and coatings give excellent protection for certain
products and structures against the factors (heat, rain, snow, ice, wind, etc.)
above the ground level.
What about the protection of the components that are placed below
the ground? For their protection, we make use of CorroCote Services that can
be used for those components (utility or wireless communication towers, for
example) that need protection against the corrosive reactions of soil and
underground moisture. The Corrocote is environmentally friendly and helps in
increasing the useful life of the ground-based elements they protect.
In CorroCote services, in which Corrocote, is an enamel-like sheet
of thermoset plastic bonds, is firmly attached to the element being protected
and provides a shield for both galvanized and weathering steel poles and
components. Know more about Corrocote Services at the website of Browning
Enterprise. Here, they keep developing new components for existing markets and
continuously keep trying to improve and update the quality of their products to
make sure that Browning Enterprise is always the global industry leader.
Call them today at 256-538-0517 or Visit our website: