Browning offers electrical distribution poles and an entire line of processing capabilities like laser cutting, plasma cutting, oxyfuel cutting, C.N.C. Machining, Forming, and Robotic Welding.

What Is An Electric Pole:
Different types of poles like wooden poles, concrete poles, steel poles, and rail poles are used for carrying overhead lines. Which type of poles are to be used depends totally upon the location, load, and place, cost-effectiveness of such construction, which includes maintenance cost, and keeping its profit in mind. A single-pole line is used in low voltage lines for all-natural and earth phases. Different types of poles used in the electrical system are:
Wooden Electric Pole:
In earlier times, wooden poles were used for 230 volts and 400 volts L.T. line and 11 K.V. H.T. line in a huge way. Compared to other electric poles, the cost-effectiveness of a wooden pole is much less, and the expenditure done for its foundation is also comparatively less. The wooden pole will last for a longer period If proper maintenance and treatment are done on the wood. In earlier days, wooden poles were hugely used for above all reasons. But in the present time, to save and protect forests and maintain ecological balance, wooden poles are almost stopped. The wooden poles are also divided into further types as per their capacity to bear the load of electric conductors.
Concrete Electric Poles: There are two types of concrete poles:
- R.C.C. Poles
- P.C.C. Poles
In today’s time, at a large scale, P.C.C. poles are used in 11 K.V. and 400/230-volt systems, and apart from this, P.C.C. poles are also required in 33KV H.T. Line. These poles are costlier than a wooden pole but cheaper than a steel pole. These poles have a longer life, and their maintenance cost is negligible. P.C.C. Poles are much stronger than wooden poles but less in strength than steel poles. The only negative of this pole is that it is cumbersome and breakable.
Steel Tubular Electric Poles: The load-bearing capacity of steel tubular poles is much more in comparison to that of wooden poles and concrete poles. If tubular poles are properly maintained, these poles last for a more extended period. But as they are quite expensive when the cost is concerned, the use of this pole is gradually decreasing day by day. These poles are used for 400/230 volt low and medium current systems, and in some cases, these poles can be used in high voltage like 33 K.V. systems. The types of tubular poles are:
- Stepped Pole
- Swaged Pole
Rail Electric Pole, The rail poles’ strength is maximum, so their cost is also maximum. They also weigh more, and because of their weight factor, their cost of transportation, loading, and unloading is much more. This rail pole is not used for 400/230-volt lines but in 11 K.V. and 33 K.V. systems. These poles are generally used in overhead lines are available in four sizes.
- 30 kg per metre
- 37 kg per metre
- 45 kg per metre
- 52 kg per metre
If a coat of red oxide is applied on the retail pole before using it up to a certain height above the ground, the durability of the pole increases.
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