The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Plate Cutting Company


Some of the common effective steel plate-cutting methods these days are oxy-fuel flame cutting, plasma cutting, and laser cutting. The best way to cut a steel plate is dependent on the thickness of the plate and work requirements, such as edge quality and tolerance.

Oxy-Fuel Cutting:- Oxy-fuel flame cutting is a thermal cutting process in which a gaseous fuel readily oxidizes the steel along a set path. The process is highly beneficial for steel plates up to 12 inches thick.

Plasma Cutting:- Like oxy-fuel flame cutting, plasma cutting throws out a stream of hot gas to cut metal along a preset path. The only difference is the way plasma-cutting machines control the gas. Plasma cutting is a swift and accurate manufacturing technique, so it's distributed across many industries, including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Industrial Construction
  • Automotive


Laser Cutting:- Laser cutters instead holds an intense laser beam to heat and slice along a precise path. Different laser cutters are used for different types of plate-cutting projects. Some industries that often benefit from laser cutting are:

  • Agriculture
  • Automation / Production Equipment
  • Construction
  • Mining
  • Nuclear
  • Municipal/ Government
  • Power Generation


It can be taxing to know which of these techniques is best suited for plate cutting as there is only one best steel plate cutting method. It's best to consider some points choosing like plate cutting method:

  • Steel Thickness
  • Precision
  • Edge Quality
  • Metal Properties

Some main points to consider when considering a plate-cutting machine company

  • The kind of machine construction it has
  • The Machine power it provides
  • There should be some chances of adding tech-based accessories such as feeding tables, support devices, plate alignment systems, etc.
  • An expert team to support the process


Browning Enterprise Inc. is the most skilled Plate Cutting Company in Alabama that specializes in providing high-quality laser-cutting services & products. They offer a total package of processing capacities such as Plasma Cutting, Laser Cutting, Oxy-fuel Cutting, CNC Machining, Forming, and Robotic Welding. Browning Enterprise considers each customer's requirement to provide them with the most effective plate-cutting approach.

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